Talen Energy
IMPORTANT: If you are a farmer and require special assistance during a radiological emergency, please fill out and return this response card. Farmer InformationCard 2023 Name____________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone __________________________________ Cell Phone__________________________________ Municipality _______________________________ Email _________________________________________ YES, I desire an informational brochure addressing agricultural concerns during a radiological emergency. THE TYPE OF FARM I HAVE IS (CHECK AS MANY AS APPLY): Dairy Beef Hog Poultry Horse Sheep Vegetable Fruit Greenhouse Hay/Grain Other ______________________________________________________________________ SIZE OF OPERATION: Hobby Small scale Large scale As a producer, you may have special needs during an emergency, such as how to shelter and care for your livestock or what to do with your crops and food. By filling out and mailing this card, you will help the disaster team protect and provide resources and information that your family may need in an emergency or disaster. This information will be used for emergency management purposes, so we may contact you in the event of an emergency or other special situation. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS POSTAGE PAID CARD, FOLD IN HALF AND SEAL, AND PLACE IN MAIL TO RETURN TO YOUR RISK COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE EMAIL: NUCLEAREMERGENCYPLAN@TALENENERGY.COM 4 ’s Information Car