Talen Energy
Susquehanna Nuclear Power Plant BoilingWater Reactor NUCLEAR PLANT RADIATION Radiation is energy. It includes such energy forms as heat, light, radio waves and radioactive rays and particles. Radiation comes from cosmic sources and from the natural elements that make up our planet. It is in the building materials of our homes; it is even in our bodies. These natural forms of radiation are part of what we call “background” radiation. There is also man-made radiation, produced by sources such as medical and dental procedures and X-rays, television sets, microwave ovens and electric power plants. The three main types of radiation are alpha, beta and gamma. Alpha particles are the least penetrating and can be stopped by a sheet of paper. Beta particles can be shielded by a thin sheet of metal. Gamma radiation is the most penetrating form of radiation. It can be blocked, however, by about three feet of concrete or a denser material such as lead. Radiation’s effect on the human body is measured in units called millirems. The average background radiation in the area around the Susquehanna plant is about 300 millirems each year. The nuclear plant adds less than one-tenth of a millirem annually. Following the directions provided by Emergency Personnel